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purplicious. the most perfect combination of purple vegetables and deliciousness. a fantastic marriage of bright, bold color and tasty eating. oh, how the splendor of beets and purple cabbage delighted a winter weekend away!

two weeks ago, alex and i headed to northern michigan, excited to cross-country ski (even in march) at least once before the coming snow melt. we skied on a frozen LAKE! as a first time xc skier, my balance and coordination tried to interfere with the adventure. but, no such interference could be realized, not with dramatic layers of clouds lacing the grey skies, the wind whistling across the open lake, the white snow so crisp and bright. the wonder of winter inspired and out-preformed my clumsy skiing.

our stomaches demanded attention after the skiing adventure, growling for some nutritious love. and, with a little purple cabbage, spinach, toasted sunflower seeds, and a simple balsamic mustard dressing, they were happily sated.

this, the first course of an evening of culinary delights, has been gaining popularity on our list of favorite winter salads, closely competing with raw beets and carrots for number one. the sweetness of the shredded cabbage, crisp and raw, dressed with a dressing of stone-ground mustard and balsamic vinegar… just amazing.

our meal finished with roasted beets and roasted michigan white fish. and, as our trip was short and sweet, alex had the most inspired idea to make beet pancakes the following morning with the leftover beets. he shredded them gingerly, and folded them into the pancake batter. genius.

earthy, florescent, and sweet, these pancakes had both color and flavor superior to their non-beet brothers and sisters. these pancakes made the day.

proudly clean-platers, we put these pancakes safely into our bellies with no delay.

long live the purple vegetables! let the purplicious power overtake your kitchen too, adding some powerful color to the ensuing grey march/april showers!